Inspire: Learning, growing and achieving together!

Brooke Primary School

01508 550419

High Green, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 1HP

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal

Our Ethos

A small federation of small schools in South Norfolk. We are making the schools that we would have wanted to go to. By working together in collaboration, we improve one another and support each other to grow. Sunflowers are known for their resilience and symbolise hope, happiness, and growth. Our federation nurtures childrens’ academic, personal, and spiritual growth. It inspires children, staff, and parents to strive for excellence in all aspects of their life, just as sunflowers grow towards the sun and reach their full potential.

The roots, for Brooke CE VC’s church foundations, indicate that we are rooted and grounded in God's love, which is at the core of all our actions and educational philosophy. The stem represents our curriculum, which provides a strong foundation for our children across both schools to grow and thrive. The leaves symbolise our values, which drive our decision-making and behaviour. The petals are indicative of our key focuses such as DEI, careers, and compassion. Lastly, the bees and butterflies that are flying away from the sunflower represent the things that we want our children to leave us with, which are the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to make a positive impact in the world.

Hempnall Primary School

01508 499264

The Street Hempnall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 2AD

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal


01508 550419

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School of Sanctuary                                Schools of Sanctuary – Coventry Peace Award


We are currently undertaking work as a school to become a School of Sanctuary. If you would like to find out any more about this please speak to our School of Sanctuary lead - Ms. Weal. 

What is a School of Sanctuary? 

Schools of Sanctuary is part of a national City of Sanctuary movement (of which Norwich is a part of) that holds the vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and a place that is proud to offer sanctuary to asylum seekers and refugees that are fleeing violence and persecution. 

The School of Sanctuary initiative celebrates the good practice of schools that welcome sanctuary seekers into their communities and that are committed to fostering a culture of welcome and inclusion for all. 


Why become a School of Sanctuary? 

We are proud to be working towards becoming accredited as a School of Sanctuary. We are committed to ensuring that our students learn and understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and the difficulties asylum seekers and refugees face. Our curriculum ensures that there are opportunities to learn, understand and take action around the themes of human rights as well as diversity, inclusion, refuge, and migration. 

Our aims: 

  • To create a culture of welcome for everyone, and to foster a sense of empathy amongst all members of our school community, towards those seeking sanctuary.
  • To promote the voices and to celebrate the contributions that seeking sanctuary has made to our society.
  • To build an understanding of refugee migration and the experiences of displaced people, to help combat stereotypes relating to people seeking sanctuary. 

Useful Links

  • Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary website - find out more about our county's network of schools, explore learning resources, and find out what schools in Norfolk are doing to share our message of welcome. 
  • Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary on Twitter - Follow @NorwichSOS on twitter and keep up to date with our network's latest events and announcements.
  • Norwich City of Sanctuary website - learn about the wider City of Sanctuary movement in Norwich, and all the other streams that sit alongside Schools of Sanctuary (e.g. Cafes of Sanctuary, the City of Sanctuary Arts Stream, Universities of Sanctuary etc...)
  • UNHCR Stats - check out the latest data gathered on global refugee migration