Inspire: Learning, growing and achieving together!

Brooke Primary School

01508 550419

High Green, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 1HP

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal

Our Ethos

A small federation of small schools in South Norfolk. We are making the schools that we would have wanted to go to. By working together in collaboration, we improve one another and support each other to grow. Sunflowers are known for their resilience and symbolise hope, happiness, and growth. Our federation nurtures childrens’ academic, personal, and spiritual growth. It inspires children, staff, and parents to strive for excellence in all aspects of their life, just as sunflowers grow towards the sun and reach their full potential.

The roots, for Brooke CE VC’s church foundations, indicate that we are rooted and grounded in God's love, which is at the core of all our actions and educational philosophy. The stem represents our curriculum, which provides a strong foundation for our children across both schools to grow and thrive. The leaves symbolise our values, which drive our decision-making and behaviour. The petals are indicative of our key focuses such as DEI, careers, and compassion. Lastly, the bees and butterflies that are flying away from the sunflower represent the things that we want our children to leave us with, which are the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to make a positive impact in the world.

Hempnall Primary School

01508 499264

The Street Hempnall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 2AD

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal


01508 550419

Welcome to Our Website! Click to scroll down

Our curriculum...


Our topic this term is: Ideas that have changed the world!


We created our own holiday destinations and wrote persuasive adverts persuading people to come and visit our luxurious resorts! We used a range of writing skills: modal verbs, colons and semicolons to extend sentences, rhetorical questions and even superlatives. 

Design and Technology...

We have learnt how to sew using a running stitch and back stitch! We designed, made and evaluated our final product. Look at our amazing Christmas decorations!

Merry Christmas!!

Love from, 



We have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. Yesterday, we made plastic by mixing warm milk and vinegar! We also mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar which created carbon dioxide. 

Our advent wreaths...

On 1st December, we made some beautiful advent wreaths. We also made a class wreath for our blessing of the advent wreath assembly. 


Children in Need...

We had so much fun making lots of delicious sweet treats for Children in Need. As a school, we raised over £200 for Children in Need! 


In PSHE, we have been talking about our physical and mental health. This week, we made 'pick me up' jars filled with things we can do when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. We spoke about the importance of looking after our mental health as well as our physical health. 


As part of Black History Month, we have been learning about the Windrush Generation. On Friday, we worked with Peacocks class at the woods to create these amazing flags.  Can you work out which Caribbean flags we made?


In Science this week, we were using some rice and a drum to help us with our learning. We were looking to see how the rice vibrates, depending on whether we were producing a loud sound or a quiet sound.  We also used some guitars to investigate pitch!


Linking to our topic War and Peace, we have been learning all about the Roman Empire, Roman army and Boudica's revolt! Last week, we made some amazing Roman mosaics. 

Welcome to Leopards...

At the start of term, we made our own leopard art work using different shapes. 


Autumn term 1, Leopards have been focusing on developing their logical thinking skills through coding. We have developed our use of movement and the parameters which can be put into place to restrict movement to create a maze game. 


The games which they have created can be played below:

Autumn Term 2

In computing this half term we have been learning about CAD (Computer Aided Design). 

First we carried out a survey for our product (Christmas crackers) to ensure that our product was able to meet specifications. We used Google Sheets to input our data and create graphs to show trends.

From this data we came up with a Moodboard and an initial design in 2D for the cracker and toy to go inside using Sketchpad software.

We designed and printed a 2D net for our cracker, aswell as a hat and a joke to go inside using Sketchpad software too.

Finally we used Tinkercad to create 3D models for a toy to go inside our cracker. Toy designs included 3D reindeer, fish, jumping frogs, moving snakes, gingerbread men and Santas. We used a 3D printer to print our designs to go inside our crackers.